

Orange Grove Radio

Orange Grove Radio, brought to you by Canada’s leading jazz publicity firm, features the Latest and Greatest in Canadian jazz. Join Jenna Marie in her quest to discover the recordings that have been shaping the Canadian jazz scene for over a decade and eavesdrop on interviews with emerging jazz stars. Impress your friends with exclusive behind-the-scenes scoops on upcoming releases.

SCHEDULE (Organized by day of the week):

CFRU – Guelph – Monday 1pm EDT

WJSU – Jackson, Mississippi – Monday 6pm CT (7pm ET)

WUNH FMPortsmouth, New Hampshire – Tuesday 2 pm EDT

MyKindaMusic24.coOnline – Tuesday 11 pm & 2 am EDT

UMFMWinnipeg – Thursday 5 am CDT 6 am EDT

CITRVancouver – Thursday 11 am

CFMUHamilton – Thursday 3pm EDT

CFUV Victoria – Thursday 3 pm PDT (6pm EDT)

INDI 101.5Hamilton – Thursday 5 pm EDT

CIUTToronto – Friday 6 am EDT

My VS Radio – Friday 1pm MST (3pm EDT)

WUWF Pensacola, Florida – Friday 9 pm CT (10 pm EDT)

WDNA 88.9 FMCutler Bay, Florida @ Saturday 7 am EDT

CKDUHalifax – Saturday 5 am ADT 6 am EDT

CKHC Radio Humber – Sundays 11 am EDT

CKUWWinnipeg – Sundays @ noon CDT (1 pm EDT)

MyKindaMusic24.coOnline – Saturday 11 am EDT

KVSFSanta Fe, NM – Saturdays 9pm MDT (11pm EDT)

Smooth Jazz Florida, Cool Jazz NY & Cool Jazz Global – Saturdays 9 pm EDT (More info coming soon!)

KEBF – “The Rock” – Los Osos, California – Sundays 7 pm PDT 10 pm EDT

Radio Universidad (Jazzmania) – Mexico – Coming soon!

KWITSioux City, Los Angeles – Coming Soon!

WJSUJackson, Mississippi – Coming Soon!

CKUTMontreal – Coming Soon!



Join the conversation! Tweet us at @OGPUBLICITY and follow us on Facebook and Instagram!
Episode playlists can be found on our Facebook page.

Host: Jenna Marie
Produced by: Ernesto Cervini and Jenna Marie

2021 Juno Awards: Congrats to the Emie R Roussel Trio!

A big congrats to Montreal’s Emie R Roussel Trio on their nomination for Jazz Album of the Year: Group at the 2021 Juno Awards! We’ll be watching the awards ceremony with our fingers crossed!

For the full list of nominees, click here.

ECMA Awards 2021: Joe Bowden and Joel Miller nominated!

Congratulations to Orange Grove Publicity clients Joe Bowden and Joel Miller on their 2021 East Coast Music Award nominations!

Both Bowden and Miller are nominated for Jazz Recording of the Year: Nova Scotia born, Toronto based drummer Bowden for his record ROOTS – Tales of the Urban Yoda; and New Brunswick born, Montreal based saxophonist Miller for his large ensemble recording Unstoppable.

In addition to his nomination for Jazz Recording of the Year, Bowden is also nominated for African Canadian Artist of the Year.

For more info on the ECMAs, click here.

Congrats Joe and Joel!

Eight Orange Grove Clients in the Earshot! Top 20 of 2020

We at Orange Grove Publicity are very happy top announce that eight of our releases were among Earshot’s list of the 20 most played jazz records on Canadian campus and community radio in 2020!

#1 Audrey Ochoa – Frankenhorn (Chronograph Records)
#5 Local Talent – Higienopolis (Self-Released)
#6 Emie R. Roussel Trio – Rythme De Passage – (UNI musiqc)
#10 Peripheral Vision – Irrational Revelation & Mutual Humiliation – (Step3)
#12 Robert Lee – Ascension (Self-Released)
#15 The Shuffle Demons – Crazy Time (Stubby)
#17 Ernesto Cervini – Tetrahedron (Anzic)
#19 Mark Godfrey – Square Peg (Self-Released)

Congrats to all the artists!

New Doxas Brothers Video Premiered by JazzTimes!

Many thanks to JazzTimes magazine for hosting the premiere of the Doxas Brothers’ new video! Check out the video for their song “Uno a la Vez” from their forthcoming album The Circle (featuring Marc Copland and Adrian Vedady) at JazzTimes today!

The Circle will be released October 23rd on Justin Time Records.

2020 Juno Award Winners!

The winners of the 2020 Juno Awards have been announced, and Orange Grove Publicity is thrilled to count two clients among the winners! A huge congrats to Montreal trumpeter Jacques Kuba Sequin and Toronto drummer (and OGP boss) Ernesto Cervini for their wins for Jazz album of the year: solo (Migrations) and jazz album of the year: group (Abundance, with Cervini’s group Turboprop.)


2020 Juno Nominees Announced!

The list of nominees for the 2020 Juno Awards has been released, and Orange Grove Publicity is thrilled to announce that five of our clients are up for awards this year!

Jazz Album of the Year: Solo
Joel Miller: Unstoppable
Ted Quinlan: Absolutely Dreaming
Jacques Kuba Séguin: Migrations

Jazz Album of the Year: Group
Ernesto Cervini’s Turboprop: Abundance
Al Muirhead’s Canadian Quintet: Undertones

Congratulations and best of luck to all the nominees!

2019 JUNO Awards: 3 Orange Grove Clients Nominated!

The nominations for the 2019 Juno Awards have been announced, and Orange Grove Publicity is thrilled that three of our clients are up for awards this year! Congratulations to Allison Au and The Liebman/Murley Quartet for their nominations for Jazz Album of the Year (Group); and to Robi Botos for his nomination for Jazz Album of the Year (Solo).  

The JUNO Awards will be held on Saturday, March 16th and Sunday, March 17th in London, ON.
