

October 20, 2024

Fern Lindzon – Piano
Colleen Allen – Flute, Saxophones
George Koller – Bass

Tryptique is three kindred spirits with one compelling musical vision that balances the resonance of history with the here-and-now of improvisation. Their music ranges from Baroque to bop to the blues and beyond, with a particular flair for the work of several wonderful Canadian composers. 

Tryptique is chamber music with a jazz soul. It is a conversation between award winning musicians and close friends Fern Lindzon (piano), Colleen Allen (flute, saxophones) and George Koller (bass). It is about exploration, taking chances, and following refined musical intuition to create a unique sound entirely Tryptique’s own.

Tryptique derives its name from the visual art world (triptych) meaning either three works intended to be shown together, or a single work of art divided into three. The three works together form a whole which is greater than the sum of its parts. 

Colleen: Fern, George, and I have been friends and colleagues for many years. In fact, our paths have crossed for my entire music career. During the pandemic, or The Grand Pause, as George called it, we were fortunate to be able to play weekly—socially distanced of course. During those sessions we amassed an incredibly diverse repertoire. Our communications are deep, flow easily and cover diverse topics, so not surprisingly, the musical language follows suit. This recording represents our diverse musical landscape through connected, conversational playing.

Tryptique, it’s how we finish each other’s phrases.
It’s about trust, beauty and exploration.
Of sound, tonality, and form.
it’s about going on a journey together.
Listening, reacting, and being immersed in a whole
that’s greater than the sum of our three parts. 

George: I simply love the vibes with Colleen and Fern. In the Tryptique trio we create chamber jazz with full use of space, allowing for free exploration while working within forms. Our repertoire is unlimited in scope with diverse styles and genres, and we often put the spotlight on Canadian composers in our live performances. It is playful and textural, sometimes referencing counterpoint and simultaneous interplay that one might hear in contemporary classical, Dixieland or third-stream jazz.

Release Date: Friday, November 15th 2024 on ZSAN Records.
